
RI SNAP E&T program graduates are motivated and ready to work! A partnership with a RI SNAP E&T training provider may be a change in your hiring strategy, but it’s one that can boost your business’s growth, benefit your bottom line and create a network offering hiring options that can help carry your business into the future.
RI SNAP E&T graduates are ready for work, because they receive comprehensive training and services such as:

- Employment and skills assessments to ensure they get the training and services they need to succeed
- Vocational skill training leading to certifications and industry-recognized credentials
- Work readiness training that teaches them the skills and attributes needed to perform their best on the job
- Basic computer skills
- 90 days of post employment services to help ensure they succeed in their employment transition
- Services and supports to keep them focused on training and job preparation
Partnering with one or more RI SNAP E&T providers just makes good business sense, and here’s why:
- You can directly contribute to the development of adult training programs so they are responsive to your needs
- It creates a pipeline of motivated employees trained to your specifications with the skills and qualities needed to fill the jobs you have now
- Program graduates can support your business growth because you can help tailor curricula so that they have the skills you will need
- You save time and money typically spent on training new employees, and that’s a benefit to your bottom line!

Here are just some ways to get involved as a RI SNAP E&T Employer Partner:

- Serve on a RI SNAP E&T service provider’s Employer Committee giving you opportunities to provide input into the design and implementation of training and education curricula
- Work with a service provider to develop training content that is specific to your business needs
- Participate directly in training and education classes by conducting mock interviews, giving presentations, or hosting site visits to your business
- Provide work-based learning opportunities and commitments to hire program graduates
If you are interested in exploring a RI SNAP E&T - Employer Partnership...
you can either contact a RI SNAP E&T training provider directly, or contact RI LISC for more information and help finding the right program for you!