Amos House is a nonprofit social services agency that provides hospitality and direct services to the homeless and poor of Rhode Island.
Beautiful Day
Beautiful Day helps refugees adjust to life in America by offering paid, on-the-job training.
More than 70,000 graduates call the Community College of Rhode Island their alma mater, explore the wealth of opportunities available to you at the largest community college in New England.
Connecting for Children & Families
Connecting for Children & Families is a community-based, non-profit 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to transforming the lives of Woonsocket children through high quality educational opportunities and family support.
Crossroads Rhode Island
The mission of Crossroads Rhode Island is to help homeless or at-risk individuals and families secure stable homes.
Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island
Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island specialize in Adult & Workforce Education, Family Literacy, Interpreting / Translating, Refugee Resettlement.
Foster Forward
Foster Forward (formerly the Rhode Island Foster Parents Association) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting children, young adults, and families whose lives have been impacted by foster care.
Genesis Center
Genesis Center provides quality adult education, job training, support services and childcare to people of diverse backgrounds.
Newport Community School
Newport Community School (NCS), in collaboration with local schools and community partners, provides educational opportunities to complement classroom learning and supports academic success, personal responsibility, and economic self-sufficiency in a vibrant, engaged community.
OpenDoors (previously the Family Life Center) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based on the southside of Providence that serves formerly incarcerated individuals and their families.
Providence Public Library
Providence Public Library (PPL) is a 143-year-old nonprofit corporation providing free public library services through its rich and historic physical and digital collections, extensive information resources, thought-provoking exhibitions, impactful educational programs, and expert staff.
Refugee Dream Center
Refugee Dream Center (RDC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) engaged in reception, placement, and post-resettlement refugees.
Rhode Island Regional Adult Learning
Rhode Island Regional Adult Learning (RIRAL) is a private nonprofit adult education agency that was established in 1979 and designated by the Rhode Island Department of Education as a regional learning center.
Social Enterprise Greenhouse
Social Enterprise Greenhouse envisions a more just, equitable and resilient economy achieved through social purpose business.
Turning Around Ministries
Turning Around Ministries (TAM) is a non-profit faith-based organization located in the Broadway area of Newport that has been providing community-based services to under-served or at-risk persons since 2005.
Westbay Community Action
Westbay Community Action assist economically disadvantaged Kent County residents achieve and sustain self-sufficiency and stability.
Westerly Education Center
Founded in 2017, Westerly Education Center is a public-private collaboration designed to bring together higher education, business, industry, and community partners to expand postsecondary attainment in degrees, certifications and industry-recognized credentials.
Woonsocket Education Center
Woonsocket Education Center is managed by the State Of Rhode Island’s Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner.
Year Up Rhode Island
Year Up’s mission is to close the Opportunity Divide by providing urban young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through professional careers and higher education.