Course Description: Upon completing Work Readiness and getting a job, you can get support, guidance, and assistance for up to 180 days (6 months) to help you keep your job. Contact Turning Around Ministries at 401-846-8264 for class information. Hours/week: 1 Total hours: 12 You can enroll if: You got a job as a result of [...]
Course Description: For participants enrolled in Works Wonders who get a job we will check in with you and your employer to give you real time feedback on your job performance. You will work with a job coach to learn workplace appropriate behavior and how to handle conflicts that may arise. Begins when you get [...]
Course Description: Students who have completed a job training, Supervised Job Search and have gotten a job will be enrolled in Job Retention. Job Retention offers up to six (6) months of support and financial literacy to help them keep their job and manage their money. Contact Newport Community School at 401-847-7171 for class information. [...]
Course Description: Genesis Center will support recently employed students through with monthly check-in and income supports. When Genesis connects with a client, they will provide support and coaching to support their personal and financial goals. Genesis can also assist with supports such as clothing, transportation assistance, and others. 10/1/24 – 9/30/25 Hours per week: Varies [...]
Course Description: Participants that have successfully completed a vocational training and/or Job Search and have gotten a job will be placed in Job Retention. Each participant will receive help with transportation, meet with a financial coach and an employment coach to help them manage their money and keep their job. 10/1/24–9/30/25 Total hours: 1-4 per [...]
Course Description: The Basic Employment Program at OpenDoors is a six-session individualized job coaching program that is arranged to meet your needs and schedule 10/1/24 – 9/30/25 Total hours: Varies over a six-month (180 day) period You can enroll in Job Retention if: You get a job while attending the Basic Employment Program or Job Search Program [...]
Course Description: If you want to find a job or get a better job, you can get job coaching and other services through Amos House’s Financial Opportunity Center. This class does not have a start or end date. You can get help finding a job and use the available services when you are ready and [...]
Course Description: Each participant meets with an Employment Specialist to design a program based on individual needs and goals. Participants must pre-register one week prior to training. Open enrollment for this program takes place every two weeks between: 10/1/24–9/30/25 Total hours: Varies depending on each person’s progress. Prerequisite: You can enroll in Job Search if: [...]
Course Description: Students will learn how to look for work online, how the recruiting process works, prepare a resume and cover letter, and good interviewing skills. Participants must contact Westbay to be placed on the waitlist for the next open space. 10/1/24 – 9/30/25 Open enrollment Hours per week: 4 Total hours: 48 We provide [...]